13 Aug 2024
 | 13 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).

A simplified system to quantify storage of carbon dioxide, water vapor and heat within a maize canopy 

Taqi Raza, Neal Eash, Joel Oetting, and Bruce Hicks

Abstract. The significance of canopy storage of CO2, latent energy and sensible heat within agricultural crops has not been fully examined. Reported canopy storage terms are consistently smaller than found for a forest ecosystem, such that they are often neglected. A novel multiport profile system has been developed to examine these storage terms. The system sequentially samples air from four heights to a single non-dispersive Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA). Following extensive laboratory testing, the system was used to measure CO2 and H2O within an eastern Tennessee maize canopy in 2023. The storage of latent and sensible heat was large enough to merit incorporation with conventional field measurements. The new system will enable profile measurements of CO2 sufficient to quantify canopy storage terms as are needed in agricultural field campaigns.

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Taqi Raza, Neal Eash, Joel Oetting, and Bruce Hicks

Status: open (until 18 Sep 2024)

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Taqi Raza, Neal Eash, Joel Oetting, and Bruce Hicks
Taqi Raza, Neal Eash, Joel Oetting, and Bruce Hicks


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Short summary
Neglecting canopy storage terms results in inaccuracies in crop energy balance closure. Our new multiport profile system simplifies the examination of CO2 and H2O storage terms, enhancing the accuracy of energy closure calculations. This system, when incorporating canopy storage, significantly improves energy balance assessments and complements eddy covariance methods over maize canopies. By integrating this system, we can achieve improved energy closure calculations.