07 Aug 2024
 | 07 Aug 2024

Contrasting patterns of change in snowline altitude across five Himalayan catchments

Orie Sasaki, Evan Stewart Miles, Francesca Pellicciotti, Akiko Sakai, and Koji Fujita

Abstract. Seasonal snowmelt in the high mountains of Asia is an important source of river discharge. Therefore, observation of the spatiotemporal variations in snow cover at catchment scales using high-resolution satellites is essential for understanding changes in water supply from headwater catchments. In this study, we propose an algorithm to automatically detect the snowline altitude (SLA) using the Google Earth Engine platform with available high-resolution multispectral satellite archives that can be readily applied globally. Here, we applied and evaluated the tool to five glacierised watersheds across the Himalayas to quantify the changes in seasonal and annual snow cover over the past 21 years and to analyse the meteorological factors influencing the SLA. Our findings revealed substantial variations in the SLA among sites in terms of seasonal patterns, decadal trends, and meteorological controls. SLA has been increasing in the Hidden Valley (+11.9 m yr-1), Langtang Valley (+14.4 m yr-1), and Rolwaling Valley (+8.2 m yr-1) in the Nepalese Himalaya, but decreasing in the Satopanth (−15.6 m yr-1) in the western Indian Himalaya, while we found no significant trend in Parlung Valley in southeast Tibet. We suggest that the increase in SLA was caused by warmer temperatures during the monsoon season in Nepal, whereas the decrease in SLA were driven by increased winter snowfall and reduced monsoon snowmelt in India. By integrating the outcomes of these analyses, we found that long-term changes in SLA are primarily driven by shifts in the local climate, whereas seasonal variability may be influenced by geographic features in conjunction with climate.

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Orie Sasaki, Evan Stewart Miles, Francesca Pellicciotti, Akiko Sakai, and Koji Fujita

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2026', Anonymous Referee #1, 27 Sep 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2026', Anonymous Referee #2, 27 Sep 2024
Orie Sasaki, Evan Stewart Miles, Francesca Pellicciotti, Akiko Sakai, and Koji Fujita
Orie Sasaki, Evan Stewart Miles, Francesca Pellicciotti, Akiko Sakai, and Koji Fujita


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Short summary
This study proposes a new method to detect snowline altitude (SLA) using the Google Earth Engine platform with high-resolution satellite imagery, applicable anywhere in the world. Applying this method to five glaciated watersheds in the Himalayas reveals regional consistencies and differences in snow dynamics. We also investigate the primary controls of these dynamics by analyzing climatic factors and topographic characteristics.