01 Aug 2024
 | 01 Aug 2024

Exploring the mechanisms of Devonian oceanic anoxia: impact of ocean dynamics, palaeogeography and orbital forcing

Justin Gérard, Loïc Sablon, Jarno J. C. Huygh, Anne-Christine Da Silva, Alexandre Pohl, Christian Vérard, and Michel Crucifix

Abstract. The Devonian is a warmer-than-present geological period spanning from 419 to 359 million years ago (Ma) characterized by multiple identified ocean anoxic/hypoxic events. Despite decades of extensive investigation, no consensus has been reached regarding the drivers of these anoxic events. While growing geological evidence has demonstrated a temporal correlation between astronomical forcing and anoxia during this period, underlying physical mechanisms remain unknown, hence questioning causality. Here, we perform multiple sensitivity experiments, using an Earth system model of intermediate complexity (cGENIE), to isolate the influences of specific Devonian climate and palaeogeography components on ocean oxygen levels, contributing to the better understanding of the intricate interplay of factors preconditioning the ocean to anoxia. We quantify the impact of continental configuration, ocean-atmosphere biogeochemistry (global mean oceanic PO4 concentration and atmospheric pO2), climatic forcing (pCO2) and astronomical forcing on background oceanic circulation and oxygenation during the Devonian. Our results indicate that continental configuration is crucial for Devonian ocean anoxia, significantly influencing ocean circulation and oxygen levels while consistently modulating the effects of other Devonian climate components such as oceanic PO4 concentration, atmospheric pO2 and pCO2, and orbital forcing. The evolution of continental configuration provides a plausible explanation for the increased frequency of ocean anoxic events identified during the Middle and Late Devonian periods, as it contributed to the expansion of oxygen-depleted zones. Our simulations also show that both the decreased atmospheric pO2 and increased oceanic PO2 concentration exacerbate ocean anoxia, consistent with established knowledge. The variation of pCO2 reveals a wide range of ocean dynamics patterns, including stable oscillations, multiple convection cells, multistability and hysteresis; all leading to significant variations of the ocean oxygen levels, therefore strongly impacting the preconditioning of the ocean to anoxia. Furthermore, multistability and important hysteresis (particularly slow ocean time response) offer different mechanisms to account for the prolonged duration of some ocean anoxic events. Finally, we found that astronomical forcing substantially impacts ocean anoxia by altering ocean circulation and oxygen solubility, with obliquity consistently emerging as the primary orbital parameter driving ocean oxygen variations.

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Justin Gérard, Loïc Sablon, Jarno J. C. Huygh, Anne-Christine Da Silva, Alexandre Pohl, Christian Vérard, and Michel Crucifix

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-1983', Anonymous Referee #1, 27 Aug 2024
    • CC1: 'Reply on RC1', Justin Gérard, 02 Sep 2024
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Justin Gérard, 01 Oct 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-1983', Anonymous Referee #2, 07 Sep 2024
    • CC2: 'Reply on RC2', Justin Gérard, 09 Sep 2024
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Justin Gérard, 01 Oct 2024
Justin Gérard, Loïc Sablon, Jarno J. C. Huygh, Anne-Christine Da Silva, Alexandre Pohl, Christian Vérard, and Michel Crucifix
Justin Gérard, Loïc Sablon, Jarno J. C. Huygh, Anne-Christine Da Silva, Alexandre Pohl, Christian Vérard, and Michel Crucifix


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Short summary
We used cGENIE, a climate model, to explore how changes in continental configuration, CO2 levels, and orbital configuration affect ocean oxygen levels during the Devonian period (419–359 million years ago). Key factors contributing to ocean anoxia were identified, highlighting the influence of continental configurations, atmospheric conditions, and orbital changes. Our findings offer new insights into the causes and prolonged durations of Devonian ocean anoxic events.