02 Sep 2024
 | 02 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Brief communication: Morphometric control on the frequency of snow avalanches on the left bank slope of the Tongquan River, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China

Hong Wen, Zuqi Xia, Xiaoyan Shu, Dong Wang, Chunwei Sun, Qingshui Qiu, and Xiaoning Li

Abstract. Understanding the frequency of occurrence and mechanisms controlling snow avalanches (hereafter referred to as avalanches) is crucial for effective disaster prevention and mitigation, especially in the context of climate warming. In this study, the topographic features and historical activities within the four avalanche paths on the left bank slope of the Tongquan River are meticulously analysed through a comprehensive approach that combines field investigations, long-term remote sensing interpretation, and spatial analysis. Additionally, the morphometric controls on avalanche frequency are further investigated. The results indicate that the occurrence frequencies of the four avalanche paths on the same slope, despite having nearly identical macrometeorological and climatic conditions, are not uniform. This variation depends on morphometric factors, such as the size of the starting zone and slope orientation.

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Hong Wen, Zuqi Xia, Xiaoyan Shu, Dong Wang, Chunwei Sun, Qingshui Qiu, and Xiaoning Li

Status: open (until 25 Oct 2024)

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Hong Wen, Zuqi Xia, Xiaoyan Shu, Dong Wang, Chunwei Sun, Qingshui Qiu, and Xiaoning Li
Hong Wen, Zuqi Xia, Xiaoyan Shu, Dong Wang, Chunwei Sun, Qingshui Qiu, and Xiaoning Li


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Short summary
Macroclimatic and meteorological conditions are not sufficient to explain differences in the frequency of avalanche paths on the same slope, and the topographic conditions of the starting zone, such as the size of the area, slope orientation, and roughness, control the avalanche frequency.