The importance of moist thermodynamics on neutral buoyancy height for plumes from anthropogenic sources
Abstract. Plume rise plays a critical role in dispersing pollutants emitted from tall stacks, dictating the height reached by buoyant plumes and their subsequent downwind dispersion. Commonly, plume rise is assumed to be governed by atmospheric stability, the exit momentum and temperature of the effluent released from large stacks. However, an under-recognized influence on plume rise is the effects of entrained and/or co-emitted water, which can change the plume height due to exchange of latent heat associated with phase changes of within-plume water. While many of the stack sources achieve high temperatures of the emitted effluent via combustion, the impact of combustion-generated water on plume rise is often overlooked in large-scale air-quality models. As the rising water condenses or evaporates, it releases or absorbs latent heat, influencing the height reached by the plumes. Our study investigates the effects of latent heat exchange by combustion-generated and entrained water on plume rise. We introduce a novel approach that integrates moist thermodynamics into an empirical parameterization for plume rise, resulting in the development of PRISM (Plume-Rise-Iterative-Stratified-Moist). Long-term (6-month duration) simulations using PRISM exhibit a difference of up to ±100 % in surface concentrations of emitted pollutants near industrial sources compared to previous predictions, emphasizing the substantial influence of moist thermodynamics on plume rise. Our results show up to 50 % improvement in model simulated plume height, through evaluation against aircraft observations over the Canadian Oil Sands. This study pioneers a plume rise sub-grid parameterization integrating moist thermodynamics in iterative calculation of neutral buoyancy height for plumes emitted from industrial stacks, thereby advancing our understanding of plume behaviour and enhancing the accuracy of air-quality modelling. These advancements can potentially contribute to more effective pollution control strategies.