13 May 2024
 | 13 May 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Driven magmatism and crustal thinning of coastal South China in response to subduction

Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, and Guangwei Li

Abstract. The late Mesozoic igneous rocks along the coastal South China Block (SCB) exhibit complex parental sources involving a depleted mantle, subducted sediment-derived melt, and melted crust. This period aligns with the magmatic flareup and lull in the SCB, debating with the compression or extension in coastal region. Our study employs numerical models to investigate the dynamics of the ascent of underplating magma along the Changle-Nan’ao Belt (CNB), simulating its intrusion and cooling processes while disregarding the formational background. The rheological structure of the lithospheric mantle significantly influences magma pathways, dictating the distribution of magmatism. This work reveals that the ascent of magma in the presence of faults is considerably faster than that in the absence of faults, and contemporaneous magmatic melts could produce different cooling and diagenetic processes. Additionally, the influence of pre-existing magma accelerates underplating magma emplacement. The ascending of magma forms a mush-like head, contributing to magmatic circulation beneath the crust and decreasing crustal thickness. Multiphase magmatism increases the geothermal gradient, reducing the lithospheric viscosity and promoting underplating magma ascent, leading to magmatic flare-ups and lulls. Our findings suggest that the Cretaceous magmatism at different times in the coastal SCB may be associated with the effects of lithospheric faults under similar subduction conditions. Boundary compression forces delay magma ascent, while rising magma induces a significant circulation, decreasing the crustal thickness of the coastal SCB. This study provides new insights into the complex interplay of magmatic processes during subduction, emphasizing the role of lithospheric structure in shaping the temporal and spatial evolution of coastal magmatism.

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Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, and Guangwei Li

Status: open (until 25 Jul 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-1264', Anonymous Referee #1, 15 Jun 2024 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Jinbao Su, 18 Jun 2024 reply
Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, and Guangwei Li
Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, and Guangwei Li


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Short summary
The late Mesozoic igneous rocks in South China Block exhibit flareup and lull, which is debated forming in compressional or extensional background. The ascending of magma forms a mush-like head and decreases the crustal thickness. The presence of faults and pre-existing magmas will accelerate emplacement of underplating magma. The magmatism at different times may be formed under similar subduction conditions, and the boundary compression forces will delay magma ascent.