28 May 2024
 | 28 May 2024

Sensitivity of Totten Glacier dynamics to sliding parameterizations and ice shelf basal melt rates

Yiliang Ma, Liyun Zhao, Rupert Gladstone, Thomas Zwinger, Michael Wolovick, and John C. Moore

Abstract. Totten Glacier in East Antarctica holds a sea level potential of 3.85 m and is mostly grounded below sea level. It has the third highest annual ice discharge, 71.4±2.6 Gt yr-1, among East Antarctic outlet glaciers and has been losing mass over recent decades. Recent thinning of the Totten ice shelf is likely to be due to high basal melt rates driven by increasing intrusion of warm Circumpolar Deep Water. Here we simulate the evolution of the Totten Glacier subregion using a Full-Stokes model with different basal sliding parameterizations (linear Weertman, nonlinear Weertman, and regularised Coulomb) as well as sub-shelf melt rates to quantify their effect on the projections. The modelled grounding line retreat and decline in ice volume above floatation using the linear Weertman and the regularised Coulomb sliding parameterizations are very close, and both larger than that using the nonlinear Weertman sliding parameterization. The simulated grounding line retreat occurs only with maximal basal melt rate higher than 40 m yr-1, and is mainly on the eastern and southern grounding zone of Totten Glacier. The change of sub-shelf cavity thickness is not sensitive to the choice of basal sliding parameterization, only to sub-shelf melt rates, yielding strong volume above floatation dependence on melting through the mechanism of reduced buttressing.

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Yiliang Ma, Liyun Zhao, Rupert Gladstone, Thomas Zwinger, Michael Wolovick, and John C. Moore

Status: final response (author comments only)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-1102', Anonymous Referee #1, 15 Jul 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-1102', Anonymous Referee #2, 20 Aug 2024
Yiliang Ma, Liyun Zhao, Rupert Gladstone, Thomas Zwinger, Michael Wolovick, and John C. Moore
Yiliang Ma, Liyun Zhao, Rupert Gladstone, Thomas Zwinger, Michael Wolovick, and John C. Moore


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Short summary
Totten Glacier in Antarctica holds a sea level potential of 3.85 m. Basal sliding and sub-shelf melt rate have important impact on ice sheet dynamics. We simulate the evolution of Totten Glacier using an ice flow model with different basal sliding parameterizations as well as sub-shelf melt rates to quantify their effect on the projections. We found the modelled glacier retreat and mass loss is sensitive to the choice of basal sliding parameterizations and maximal sub-shelf melt rate.