29 May 2024
 | 29 May 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Isogeometric analysis of the lithosphere under topographic loading: Igalith v1.0.0

Rozan Rosandi, Yudi Rosandi, and Bernd Simeon

Abstract. This paper presents methods from isogeometric finite element analysis for numerically solving problems in geoscience involving partial differential equations. In particular, we consider the numerical simulation of shells and plates in the context of isostasy. Earth's lithosphere is modeled as a thin elastic shell or plate floating on the asthenosphere and subject to topographic loads. We demonstrate the computational methods on the isostatic boundary value problem posed on selected geographic locations. For Europe, the computed lithospheric depression is compared with available Mohorovičić depth data. We also perform parameter identification for the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere, the rock density, and the topographic load that are most plausible to explain the measured depths. An example of simulating the entire lithosphere of the Earth as a spherical shell using multi-patch isogeometric analysis is presented, which provides an alternative to spherical harmonics for solving partial differential equations on a spherical domain.

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Rozan Rosandi, Yudi Rosandi, and Bernd Simeon

Status: open (until 11 Oct 2024)

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Rozan Rosandi, Yudi Rosandi, and Bernd Simeon
Rozan Rosandi, Yudi Rosandi, and Bernd Simeon


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Short summary
We model Earth's lithosphere as a thin elastic shell and present numerical methods of isogeometric finite element analysis to simulate its deformation in isostatic equilibrium using technologies from computer-aided design. The simulations also serve as a basis for identifying parameters of the model that are most plausible to explain observed data. This research has been done to showcase the capabilities of isogeometric analysis in solving higher-order problems in geoscientific applications.