14 Nov 2023
 | 14 Nov 2023
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Comment on: “Back to the future? Conservative grassland management can preserve soil health in the changing landscapes of Uruguay” On the risks of good intentions and poor evidence

José Paruelo, Luis Lopez-Marsico, Pablo Baldassini, Felipe Lezama, Bruno Bazzoni, Luciana Staiano, Agustín Nuñez, Anaclara Guido, Cecilia Ríos, Andrea Tommasino, Federico Gallego, Fabiana Pezzani, Gonzalo Camba Sans, Andrés Quincke, Santiago Baeza, Gervasio Piñeiro, and Walter Baethgen
Note on duplicated preprint: although EGUsphere's policy does not support double preprinting, this preprint has also been posted on OSF Preprints in parallel to the EGUsphere preprint.

Abstract. In this article we make comments on some methodological issues and on the general approach of the paper “Back to the future? Conservative grassland management can preserve soil health in the changing landscapes of Uruguay” by Ina Säumel, Leonardo R. Ramírez, Sarah Tietjen, Marcos Barra, and Erick Zagal, Soil 9, 425–442, We identified various design and methodological problems that may induce potential misinterpretations. Our concerns are of three different types. First, there are aspects of the study design and methodology that, in our opinion, introduce biases and critical errors. Secondly, the article does not put forth any novel propositions and ignores extensive local literature and aspects that are central to the interpretation of the data Finally, we are concerned about the possible interpretations of a study, generated from institutions based on developed countries with not the participation of local scientists from the Global South in the design of policies and development of non-tariff barriers for South American countries.

José Paruelo, Luis Lopez-Marsico, Pablo Baldassini, Felipe Lezama, Bruno Bazzoni, Luciana Staiano, Agustín Nuñez, Anaclara Guido, Cecilia Ríos, Andrea Tommasino, Federico Gallego, Fabiana Pezzani, Gonzalo Camba Sans, Andrés Quincke, Santiago Baeza, Gervasio Piñeiro, and Walter Baethgen
Note on duplicated preprint: although EGUsphere's policy does not support double preprinting, this preprint has also been posted on OSF Preprints in parallel to the EGUsphere preprint.

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-2023', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Dec 2023 reply
José Paruelo, Luis Lopez-Marsico, Pablo Baldassini, Felipe Lezama, Bruno Bazzoni, Luciana Staiano, Agustín Nuñez, Anaclara Guido, Cecilia Ríos, Andrea Tommasino, Federico Gallego, Fabiana Pezzani, Gonzalo Camba Sans, Andrés Quincke, Santiago Baeza, Gervasio Piñeiro, and Walter Baethgen
Note on duplicated preprint: although EGUsphere's policy does not support double preprinting, this preprint has also been posted on OSF Preprints in parallel to the EGUsphere preprint.
José Paruelo, Luis Lopez-Marsico, Pablo Baldassini, Felipe Lezama, Bruno Bazzoni, Luciana Staiano, Agustín Nuñez, Anaclara Guido, Cecilia Ríos, Andrea Tommasino, Federico Gallego, Fabiana Pezzani, Gonzalo Camba Sans, Andrés Quincke, Santiago Baeza, Gervasio Piñeiro, and Walter Baethgen
Note on duplicated preprint: although EGUsphere's policy does not support double preprinting, this preprint has also been posted on OSF Preprints in parallel to the EGUsphere preprint.


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Short summary
We identified and discuss various design and methodological problems that may induce wrong conclusions in the article “Back to the future? Conservative grassland management can preserve soil health in the changing landscapes of Uruguay” by Ina Säumel et al. Soil 9, 425–442. We were also concerned about the possible interpretations of a study, generated from institutions based on developed countries with not the participation of local scientists from the Global South.