10 Oct 2023
 | 10 Oct 2023

The interaction of Solar Radiation Modification and Earth System Tipping Elements

Gideon Futerman, Mira Adhikari, Alistair Duffey, Yuanchao Fan, Peter Irvine, Jessica Gurevitch, and Claudia Wieners

Abstract. The avoidance of hitting tipping points is often considered a key benefit of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) techniques, however, the physical science underpinning this has thus far not been comprehensively assessed. This review assesses the available evidence for the interaction of SRM with a number of earth system tipping elements in the cryosphere, the oceans, the atmosphere and the biosphere , with a particular focus on the impact of SAI. We review the scant available literature directly addressing the interaction of SRM with the tipping elements or for closely related proxies to these elements. However, given how limited this evidence is, we also identify and describe the drivers of the tipping elements, and then assess the available evidence for the impact of SRM on these. We then briefly assess whether SRM could halt or reverse tipping once feedbacks have been initiated. Finally, we suggest pathways for further research. We find that SRM mostly reduces the risk of hitting tipping points relative to same emission pathway scenarios without SRM, although this conclusion is not clear for every tipping element, and large uncertainties remain.

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Gideon Futerman, Mira Adhikari, Alistair Duffey, Yuanchao Fan, Peter Irvine, Jessica Gurevitch, and Claudia Wieners

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-1753', Anonymous Referee #1, 26 Nov 2023
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Gideon Futerman, 26 Jan 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-1753', David Armstrong McKay, 13 Dec 2023
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Gideon Futerman, 26 Jan 2024
Gideon Futerman, Mira Adhikari, Alistair Duffey, Yuanchao Fan, Peter Irvine, Jessica Gurevitch, and Claudia Wieners
Gideon Futerman, Mira Adhikari, Alistair Duffey, Yuanchao Fan, Peter Irvine, Jessica Gurevitch, and Claudia Wieners


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Short summary
This review assesses the interaction of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), a technology to reduce the impacts of climate change by reflecting sunlight, and earth system tipping points. We find that SRM reduces the risk of hitting most of the tipping points that we studied relative to the same emission pathway although for some systems this is more complex. Uncertainties for almost all tipping elements studied were high, so we also lay out suggestions for future research.